61% of marketers believe consumer segmentation is an outdated marketing method 

Six in 10 UK marketers (61%) believe consumer segmentation - the categorisation of customers based on shared traits - is an outdated method of marketing, with 63% considering it totally unfit for purpose.

That’s according to new research from enterprise customer data platform, Treasure Data. This is despite almost all (96%) marketers in the UK still using segmentation within their organisations - even though its effectiveness is being called so clearly into...

Contextual-driven campaigns on YouTube drive 28% more attention than industry benchmarks

A newly-released study shows brand suitable and contextually-delivered advertising with Channel Factory delivers on average, 28% more attention than industry wide benchmarks according to leading attention measurement platform Playground xyz.

Channel Factory, which helps advertisers deliver brand suitable advertising in more contextually relevant places across YouTube, engaged with Playground xyz to deliver a comprehensive review of 76 campaigns across eight...

SAS’ martech platform integrates with generative AI 

SAS’ marketing customers can now enjoy the power of generative AI. SAS Customer Intelligence 360 can now be integrated with generative AI providers for assistance in streamlining marketing planning, content creation, and journey design activities. 

Customers can use generative AI capabilities for the whole customer engagement life cycle, from marketing planning and audience creation to journey design, creating channel specific creative, through reporting and...

Very Group partners with Kyndryl to enhance its customer experience through technology

Infrastructure provider Kyndryl has expanded its partnership with The Very Group, the online retail and digital payments business, to transform its IT platforms and the customer experience.      

With flexibility and speed at the core, The Very Group is modernising and migrating applications and infrastructure to a leading-edge multi-platform public cloud environment.

The Very Group has partnered with Kyndryl to migrate applications to the public cloud, moving to a...

Marketers are unaware of how to prepare for Google’s cookie deprecation

The advertising industry edges closer to one of the most significant changes in a decade, as Google plans to migrate 1% of Chrome users to Privacy Sandbox early next year.

Yet, marketers still lack preparedness for the deprecation of the third-party cookie. In a new survey from YouGov, commissioned by Adform, almost half of respondents believe that finding a solution to replace third-party cookies is critical to future success. However, only 33% think they are well prepared for...

Three-quarters of firms delay AI due to ethics concerns

More than half (51.3%) of global marketing leaders say that cost is a major challenge when adopting AI and automation into marketing operations according to a new study.

The research into emerging AI was conducted by workforce solutions and marketing operations consultancy, Algomarketing. 

This first-of-its-kind study surveyed over 300 global marketing leaders working in firms with 10,000+ staff about the current use of AI and automation in their marketing...

Virgin Atlantic selects Amperity to deliver AI-powered unified customer profiles

Amperity, an enterprise customer data platform (CDP) for consumer brands, has announced Virgin Atlantic as a new customer for its critical data foundation.

Amperity will help unify, manage, and activate all of the travel company’s digital and transactional customer data, to deliver personalised customer experiences and drive revenue growth.

Virgin Atlantic looks after a vast amount of customer data generated from digital touchpoints and offline transactions throughout...

Three in five students opt for ad-supported subscriptions to keep costs affordable

University students at their graduation ceremony.

Contrary to prevailing trends of household subscription slashing, students can't live without streaming services.

For Gen Z, streaming is a thread in the fabric of their lifestyle – but more are willing to sacrifice ad-free content for budget-friendly pricing. That is, according to the new Streaming Report, based on research by UNiDAYS, a Gen Z affinity network that enables students and graduates to discover savings.

Regular, relevant and personalised TV, film and...

UK advertisers expected to increase programmatic DOOH spend by a third

VIOOH, a global digital out of home (DOOH) supply-side platform, has released its annual research into the programmatic DOOH market. The findings show that the future of programmatic DOOH (prDOOH) remains strong with its popularity surging, especially in the UK.

Across campaigns UK advertisers have worked on in the past 12-18 months, on average nearly a third (31%) have included prDOOH, with the average expected to increase to 39% in the next 18 months.


Three quarters of marketers’ positive outlook holds steady amid rapid digital acceleration

Econsultancy, a global provider of digital marketing and ecommerce insights and training, today revealed an early snapshot from its annual Future of Marketing report, which revealed marketers’ positive industry outlook remains steadfast despite a prolonged rocky economic environment.

Despite the crises which have characterised the last few years, more than three quarters (76%) of marketers remain optimistic about the future of the industry. This remains on par with the previous...